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Author of 4 books, including an Amazon bestseller in Horse Care, and 2 DVDs, Chartered Physiotherapist, Equine Behaviourist and BHS Accredited Professional BHSAI, Sue is passionate about helping owners to unlock their horse's potential.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Lumps under the saddle?

"Has anyone had experience of a fluid filled lump coming up on their horses back after riding that then goes away again, but happens every time you ride?"

I asked this question in one of my regular newsletters, and received some responses from readers that I wanted to share with you.

"How interesting Sue - my new mare developed a fluid filled lump in the saddle area after I bought her, whilst I was riding in a borrowed saddle (even though I had a gel pad and thick numnah and the saddle seemed an ok fit).  Having the saddler out and discovering the saddle needed re flocking, and now riding in a saddle especially fitted and bought for her, the lump has gone and she is also much softer through her back to ride - amazed this could happen in such a short space of time & really interested to read your helpful hints"  Julie Crawshaw

"Regarding the lumps under saddle occurring after riding:  I was told by the lady who bred my Cleveland Bay gelding not to remove the saddle straight away when taking tack off after riding, but to leave it there with loosened girth for a few minutes to let the horse return to normal temperature.  This reduces the risk of lumps appearing.  Hope this helps as I have always followed her advice and never seen lumps on his back.  Thanks and regards"  Jane E Preston

"With reference to your question re fluid filled lumps after ridden under the saddle, Poppy had one that used to come up, not sure if it was fluid filled, but it was a small lump.  I noticed it appeared every time after she was ridden and then disappeared.  I tried different numnahs that I had in case the numnah was rubbing somewhere!  I called the saddler out and because Poppy had dropped off a bit the saddle needed adjusting and I also bought a numnah that had pads in it (Le Mieux), they could be taken out when / if necessary.  Since then the lumps haven't returned.  I also asked the vet because it was the area which was treated for her kissing spine."  Julie Anne Young

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