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Author of 4 books, including an Amazon bestseller in Horse Care, and 2 DVDs, Chartered Physiotherapist, Equine Behaviourist and BHS Accredited Professional BHSAI, Sue is passionate about helping owners to unlock their horse's potential.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Has anyone tried Horse Agility?

In a recent newsletter I asked the question "Has anyone tried Horse Agility, and how did you get on?"  I wanted to share one reader's very positive response with you...

Dear Sue,
Yes, I am  'Horse Agility' competitor and enthusiast. I have two horses, one 27yr old retired 'Allrounder', (15hh Welsh Cob) in his day an amazing competition horse and very dear loyal friend and a 16 yrs young imp, Hero (14.2hh Welsh/TB) who came to me aged 6 as a troubled soul. Not everyones 'cup of tea', but I and my daughter have had such fun with him and he is the horse that has taught me the most and continues all the time.
I have come from a very traditional background with horses and have been a Pony Club Instructor for many years and have competed in many spheres of the horseworld.
I met Kelly Marks on a CPD day and then progressed to a year with Stage 1 and have continued to read, research and look at all the other masters.
I fell upon H/A when I went to help a lady with a horse related problem and she was a Dog Trainer/Dog Agility Trainer and she had said had I heard of Horse Agility.
Hero at the time had been lame behind, having never had a days lameness and it all looked rather gloomy and I could not bring myself to put him down and my gut instinct was just to give him time. On his way to recovery he very much needed mental stimulation and gentle movement and this is how I started my journey with this new sport.
It has been great for both horses as a form of physio and for mental stimulation and is absolutely brilliant for 'Horsemanship skills'. It has been a wonderful stepping stone from 'Intelligent Horsemanship', from learning the basics and fine tunes all those skills. It encourages people from different spheres of  'Horsemanship'. I have picked up some great 'parelli' tips, but I have my own style and like to be able to be adaptable.
Great social website and lots of help and then you can see video's from all over the world, some in sunshine and some in snow!
It has been hard to get a video in recently with the weather as I don't have the luxury of a manage or indoor school, but have now got a round pen with surface which is great.
Love your emails and tips and of course your book, which is great.
Best Wishes
Amanda Braham

PS. The other thing that is great you can use the courses to long rein or ride around and it is also interesting to see the different reactions from inhand to long lines to ridden.

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