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Author of 4 books, including an Amazon bestseller in Horse Care, and 2 DVDs, Chartered Physiotherapist, Equine Behaviourist and BHS Accredited Professional BHSAI, Sue is passionate about helping owners to unlock their horse's potential.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Ifor Williams Trailers and their correct uses...

This came up during a recent loading course, and needs to be shared so that the safety features designed by Ifor Williams can be used correctly should they need to be in the event of an emergency.

The front bars should always be done up so that the more curved hook (not the end where you put the pin in) is in the middle of the trailer. This ensures that if you have to quick release the end will actually drop. Make sure you have an Allen key, and that you know where it is kept! They are designed this way so that you can release the bar from the outside in the event of an emergency.

Also the eyes, which have now been put on Ifor Williams trailers, are for releasing the bars in an emergency, not for tying your horse to! If you tie to horse to these they can distort the shape of the trailer and mean that the bars will not drop down in an emergency. Ifor Williams do instruct people not to tie their horses to the outside of the trailer, but as we know, people do.

If you have any queries regarding how to fit your breast bar and how to release it in an emergency, please visit your local Ifor Williams dealer who will be more than happy to show you the correct way. It is better to spend the time familiarising yourself with how to do it, in a calm and relaxed way, than trying to work it out in the moment of panic when you horse is stuck. To find your local Ifor Williams dealer click here.

For problems loading please contact your local IHRA who will help you to resolve your loading issues. For your nearest IHRA click here.

With thanks to Sarah Weston IHRA for this information.

For information on The Buffer Bar, which can be used on your existing bar to give your horse a more comfortable journey, please visit Sarah Weston’s website http://www.logicalhorsemanship.co.uk/?page_id=1130

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