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Author of 4 books, including an Amazon bestseller in Horse Care, and 2 DVDs, Chartered Physiotherapist, Equine Behaviourist and BHS Accredited Professional BHSAI, Sue is passionate about helping owners to unlock their horse's potential.

Saturday 3 September 2016

Is Monty Roberts the original 'horse whisperer'?

You may have seen the movie 'The Horse Whisperer', or read the book, and I often get asked whether Monty was involved with that, or whether the book was inspired by him and his work. So I was pleased when he answered the question recently in one of his free weekly emails (click here to sign up for yourself), and wanted to share his answer with you.


There are probably many trainers who claim to be the true or original horse whisperer. The Horse Whisperer movie is said to be not the movie about Monty Roberts´ life but that of another person. That person is said to be Buck Brannaman. Can you please give us an clear answer about that?


Please let me address this first question by telling you what actually transpired after I met Queen Elizabeth II in April 1989. Her Majesty requested that I visit 21 separate UK cities. The Queen herself set up the people to host demonstrations in these locations. During my meeting with the Queen that April, she strongly requested that a book be written about my work. I began to write The Man Who Listens to Horses.
During my 21 city tour, a man came to me from the audience, at Duchy College in Cornwall, England. He introduced himself as Nicholas Evans. He said that he was impressed with the demonstration and was motivated to write a book about this experience. I did not take him seriously on that evening. About two weeks later, I received a telephone call while in California. Once more, I was visiting with Nicholas Evans.

In the next few days I was in contact with the Queen, who adamantly asked me not to get involved with a novel. She wanted a book from me, that was truthful, and accurate. I informed Mr. Evans that I was not available for endorsing or advising on a book about my work. He was clearly not happy with me and said that he would contact a man that I knew very well. This man was an American called Tom Dorrance.

Mr. Dorrance communicated with me that he had read the manuscript and was not interested in assisting in the writing of the book nor the production of the movie. He told me at that time, that he was recommending one of his students, called Buck Brannaman, to help with this effort. Later I was to learn that Mr. Brannaman was chosen and did assist in the setting up of the scenes for the movie called The Horse Whisperer.
Later I was contacted by the Disney Corporation who had purchased the rights to the movie. They asked me to attach my name to the book and the movie, as an endorser of the contents. The Queen very strongly advised me against doing that, and so it didn't happen. You should note that I do not whisper to horses anyway, and the man responsible for the term, John Solomon Rarey (1827-1866), worked for the Queen's grandmother, Queen Victoria.
The Man Who Listens to Horses

To see Monty Roberts and Kelly Marks on the "Living Legend" Tour - click here for tickets!

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