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Author of 4 books, including an Amazon bestseller in Horse Care, and 2 DVDs, Chartered Physiotherapist, Equine Behaviourist and BHS Accredited Professional BHSAI, Sue is passionate about helping owners to unlock their horse's potential.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Relief from headshaking?

I'm so excited! As you may have heard, I've been treating a horse called Fergus as a case study to see if I can help relieve his head shaking symptoms. You can see some snippets of video of his treatment on my Holistic Horse Help Facebook page. He was a horse whose symptoms were so severe that he would strike out with his front feet at times while moving to try and relieve the irritation. Fergus has had 8 treatments over the past 4 months, and yesterday I received this message from his owner Trudy:

Hi Sue, Just wanted to say that Fergus has walked in then back out across the hay field while Tim has been cutting the hay in full sun and he didn't tic his head once, no clenching of his jaw or nostrils! This is great to see 😊 I had to have my new body protector fitted, it will be ready for Friday, so fingers crossed I can hack out for the first time in months at the weekend. This time last year I had to stop all work, and I could not hack him out as his symptoms were so bad he become unpredictable, and walking through the hay field was hard work back then, I feel sure that all your hard work has changed his life....will keep you posted. Trudy xx

Wow! Whilst there's no way I can extend this to say that I can help all head shakers, and we certainly can't say for sure that Fergus is 'cured', and its still early days, you've got to at least admit that this is a promising start :-)

Onwards and upwards ...

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