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Author of 4 books, including an Amazon bestseller in Horse Care, and 2 DVDs, Chartered Physiotherapist, Equine Behaviourist and BHS Accredited Professional BHSAI, Sue is passionate about helping owners to unlock their horse's potential.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Thanks from a grateful horse owner (and probably her horse as well)

In my last post I gave my reply to a recent email from a client, and you may have noticed that I asked her if I could post her original email.  She has given me permission to do so, and here it is:

Both your recommendation of Janine Wilbrahim's Book & Julie Houghton's ECST have helped

"I discovered Janine, through an article in Sue Palmer’s weekly newsletter ‘Holistic Horse Help - Pain or Gain’ that recommended Janine’s book ‘’Can You Hear Me’’. 
I was fascinated to read about her ability to communicate with horses and as I had been troubled by my horse’s resistance to be tacked and rugged up, which could not be explained by the normal checks such as saddler, dentist, vet etc I was keen for her to do a psychic reading for him. 
I was amazed at the amount of detail she was able to provide just from a photo of him, from the fact that he is a clock-watcher, likes the smell of my fruity shampoo and more importantly was saying ‘’Something hurts’’ and describing pain at the base of his spine. 
Having had my saddle checked by 3 different saddlers who all confirmed it was a good fit, I was concerned about what this pain that Janine had told me about was and how to pinpoint it, as he showed no signs of lameness, had his teeth done recently and is seen annually by an osteopath and a physiotherapist. 
This weekend saw a ‘eureka’ moment when Ned was treated by Julie Houghton (a colleague of Sue Palmer) who is an Equine Craniosacral Therapist (ECST), who discovered that his left hip was unlevel which was causing a lot of tension in his quarters and tightness in his ribcage. 
After just 1 treatment, Ned is already much more comfortable, far less grumpy being tacked up and having his rugs changed, and with on-going massage and a couple more ECST treatments, will be back on form in no time !
I am amazed that Janine was able to pin-point the trouble-spot so accurately and easily through communicating with Ned via a photo and helped me solve the mystery regarding the underlying problem that more conventional checks had missed. 
I am also extremely grateful to Sue for initiating the discovery through her HHH articles that emphasise that a horse is trying to tell you something when he acts out of character and also to Julie for finally pinpointing and treating the problem area. 
Very many thanks to Janine, Julie and Sue from both Ned and I, your help is hugely appreciated!"

She replied to me:

"I'd be more than happy fo you to share my email with other readers of your newsletters as it was through reading it myself that I persevered to find out what the issue was, as your constant philosphy is that if the horse is behaving strangely he is trying to tell you something. I just wish I had investigated further earlier but it is hard to know what to do when all the normal routes failed:-
- osteo that saw him last said that he only needed a check annually
- physio that saw him in the spring didn't recommend any follow up treatment
- teeth all good as done in July
- saddle all good as done in Aug"

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