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Author of 4 books, including an Amazon bestseller in Horse Care, and 2 DVDs, Chartered Physiotherapist, Equine Behaviourist and BHS Accredited Professional BHSAI, Sue is passionate about helping owners to unlock their horse's potential.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

How to listen so your horse will talk...

How to listen so your horse will talk, and talk so your horse will listen: A practical approach to the links between equine behaviour and pain.

Would you like to understand whether a horse you work with is playing up because he's being naughty or because he's trying to tell you he's hurting?  Would you like to know whether his poor performance is because he can’t or won’t? In this talk Sue Palmer MCSP offers practical advice on how to tell the difference.

Sue is a BHSAI, Chartered Veterinary Physiotherapist and Equine Behaviourist (Intelligent Horsemanship Recommended Associate). The only person to hold this combination of qualifications, Sue is passionate about spreading the word that horses can only tell us they are hurting through their performance or behaviour. This talk / course offers practical ways to help you decide whether your horse, or a horse you work with, is under performing or misbehaving because he's in pain. And if you decide it's not pain related then Sue draws upon her extensive experience in the world of equestrianism to offer some suggestions of how to work to overcome the problem.

Author of 'Horse Massage for Horse Owners' and 'Sue's Helpful Horse Hints', Sue has ridden since she was three years old, competed nationally for Pony Club and Riding Club, and competed in British Show Jumping and British Eventing. Living and working with a gipsy horse dealer for several years in her early twenties has given her a unique view of the horse world and a wealth of unusual experience to draw upon in addition to her more traditional qualifications.