About Me

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Author of 4 books, including an Amazon bestseller in Horse Care, and 2 DVDs, Chartered Physiotherapist, Equine Behaviourist and BHS Accredited Professional BHSAI, Sue is passionate about helping owners to unlock their horse's potential.

Thursday 13 September 2012

A New Blog!

Holistic Horse Help was founded in 2007 by Veterinary Physiotherapist and Equine Behaviourist Sue Palmer. Described as ‘inspirational, enthusiastic, informative, friendly, calm, understanding, supportive’, Sue's expertise allows her to help you and your horse, whether the issue is caused by ‘brain’ or ‘pain’. 

The Holistic Horse Help therapist team is made up of equine professionals Sue Palmer (Physiotherapist), Alison O'Dochartaigh (Osteopath), and Amy Gilbert (Physiotherapist), supported by Practice Manager Simon Palmer. Sue, Alison and Amy have a similar successful philosophy on assessing and treating horses, using a practical approach that aims to relieve pain and stiffness towards improved health and performance. Experts in their fields, working with powerful and proven techniques, each uses her own specialist skills to deliver individualised help for your horse. Working as a close knit team, they regularly discuss cases and solutions, enabling them to provide a superior quality service for the benefit of both you and your horse. If appropriate, cases are discussed with your vet / farrier / saddler / dentist / instructor or other equine paraprofessional to ensure a complete therapeutic intervention for your horse.

Based in Stafford, Staffordshire, the Holistic Horse Help team work freelance throughout the UK, offering a variety of physiotherapy and teaching techniques including individual and group sessions, courses and demonstrations. From a routine physiotherapy ‘back check’, to solving loading issues, to teaching the Horse Massage for Horse Owners Course, they will look at the whole picture to support you towards achieving your dreams you’re your horse.

This blog is written by Sue, with the aim of keeping you up to date with events, and provoking thought into the links between 'brain' and 'pain' issues for horses - so often the two are linked (in particular Sue believes that many 'behavioural' problems' are caused by physical pain).  Enjoy the blog, and join in when you can!

Sign up to receive Sue's regular 'Brain or Pain' e-newsletter for free by putting your name and email address in the box at the top right corner of the HHH homepage.  You can also keep in touch with Sue and Holistic Horse Help on Facebook or Twitter, where you'll find daily 'Helpful Hints'.